journeys are not
in a straight line.....
The Journey
Seeking a career transition?
Modern careers rarely follow a straight, predictable path.
They go rogue all the time!
Reframe Careers can help you:
REFLECT on your past to explore your values, preferences, strengths and decision making
GAIN CLARITY on what this means for you here and NOW
VISION future opportunities (roles, companies, career paths) and imagine your "possible selves"
EXPERIMENT and test your ideas through a range of experiences
SET DYNAMIC GOALS to make way for opportunities if they arise
TAKE ACTION towards your goals armed with resources for the transition (Resume and LinkedIn review)
There's lots to consider and it can take time to work out.
"Squiggly" Careers are the new normal and offer us variety, challenge and opportunity.
Together let's REFRAME the narrative and work together to thrive and survive with change.
What To Expect...
The Career Counselling Process​​​​